Difficulty urinating and burning during urination is one of the symptoms of bladder cancer, which can be the first symptom of the disease, and alerts you to the need for a medical examination to control the disease from its inception, to where the cancer has spread in your body. .
About bladder cancer:
In this section, we will explain the symptoms of bladder cancer, but first we have to give an overview of this disease and say that bladder cancer is one of the malignant cancers that directly affects your bladder.
The incidence of bladder cancer is somewhat increased in men at rates that may exceed women's exposure to it, but what makes this disease different from other cancers is that you can detect it early and early. Stage the infection to treat and control it before the cancer cells spread to the rest of your body.
Bladder cancer stages:
As for the stages of bladder cancer in your body, the next paragraph on the topic should explain the nature of this disease, as it includes the stages of bladder cancer according to the extent of its spread in or outside the bladder. ...the following:
The first stage:
The first step is when the cancer cells first reach the inner lining of the bladder.
The second phase:
The second stage is when the bladder wall and its surroundings become cancerous.
The third level:
Stage III is the stage in which the cancer has moved from the bladder wall into the surrounding tissues. As for you, as a woman, it moves to the vaginal area. For you, as a man, cancer metastasizes to the prostate.
The fourth step:
Stage IV is the last stage of breast cancer, in which the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, such as the "lymph nodes, bones, and lungs."
"Note" Stage IV bladder cancer is the most dangerous and difficult to treat, so care must be taken to treat the disease in its first or even second stage and before it leaves the bladder.
Bladder cancer causes:
Before we mention the symptoms of bladder cancer, we will explain to you the causes of the disease that lead to the emergence of these symptoms. The reasons are as follows:
Your tendency to smoke in all its forms, be it cigarettes, hookah or even passive smoking, which comes through inhaling this smoke.
When you are exposed to various chemicals if you work with them, of which pesticides are a part.
Exposure to radiation in any form, even if the radiation treatment is for a cancer other than bladder cancer in your body.
You have chronic irritation of the bladder lining.
Exposing yourself to a parasitic infection, or a case of infection of your reproductive system with various diseases and viruses.
Because you use certain types of chemical drugs.
Thanks to the various disorders in your genes
Learn about the symptoms of bladder cancer:
Now in this paragraph we come to tell you about the symptoms of bladder cancer that you should be aware of so that you can recognize them if you are exposed to them and get infected and ask for a medical examination at the beginning of the disease. Symptoms are as follows:
blood in the urine:
Your observation of blood in the urine is one of the first symptoms and signs that alert you to the disease and urge you to conduct a medical examination, and perhaps in this symptom you see noticeably blood in the urine in your eyes, or even the blood may be very pure and imperceptible, as the urine appears in a darker color than usual and closer to brown, but to reassure you we also tell you that your observation of blood in your urine does not mean that you definitely have bladder cancer, it may also indicate the presence of blood or kidney problems.
Changes in bladder function:
This disease causes changes in bladder function or more specifically urination, such as:
The urge to urinate, but with little or no urine.
Your need to urinate abnormally.
Feeling of pain during the descent and flow of urine.
You generally have difficulty passing urine.
Various symptoms appear as the disease progresses:
As the disease progresses, you will develop other symptoms, such as:
Basically the inability to urinate.
The presence of pain in one side of the lower back.
Complete loss of appetite and desire to eat.
Losing weight and exposing yourself to thinness for no reason at all.
Feeling tired, tired and general weakness.
Feeling of pain in the bones and in different parts of the body.
Pain, especially in the pelvic and anal area.
You are going through some kind of pain and pain in the kidneys.
Swelling and swelling in your feet.
An increase in body temperature.
Symptoms of a cyst in the bladder:
After talking in the previous paragraph about the symptoms of bladder cancer, in this paragraph we will talk about the symptoms of cysts, but first we need to give you a brief overview of what we are talking about to be aware of all the details. It tells you that bladder cysts are a health problem that can affect you at any age, and it is either congenital, where the child is born with only one cyst, and does not need treatment, or it is acquired, as these cysts form. As a result of exposure to diseases that in turn affected the bladder to form more than one cyst. There are reasons for the emergence of this disease are represented in these points:
Bladder outlet obstruction due to an enlarged prostate in men or the presence or scarring of the urethra.
Bladder weakness due to nerve damage.
If you have ever had bladder surgery.
As for the symptoms, in most cases there are no symptoms and signs that alert you to the presence of a cyst in the bladder, but this condition is discovered during a medical examination for other diseases and disorders of the urinary tract.
Bladder cancer treatment methods:
In treating the symptoms of bladder cancer, you can rely on herbal remedies that treat the disease safely and effectively, and for the best result and speed of recovery, you must undergo treatment with a doctor who specializes in the science of treating herbal extracts to prescribe the appropriate doses for your condition until complete recovery. Among these plants:
Nigella sativa herb:
Nigella sativa or black seed treats various types of cancer, including bladder cancer, thanks to the compound thymoconine it contains in its composition, which stops the growth of cancer cells.
Turmeric is also an important herb in folk medicine that can be used in the treatment of bladder cancer, thanks to the active substance “curcumin” found in turmeric, which is useful in removing cancerous tumors in all stages, in addition to preventing the spread of cancer. cells in your body.
Oregano is also one of the herbal remedies that will help you treat diseases and relieve symptoms of bladder cancer by supporting the healing properties of this plant. The oregano plant contains carvacrol, which reduces the spread of cancer cells in the body.
How to protect yourself from bladder cancer?
When it comes to ways to prevent bladder cancer symptoms and protect yourself from getting sick, you can:
The first step in preventing yourself from getting bladder cancer is to check your bladder regularly to make sure it's not infected.
Attention should be paid to the hygiene of the bladder in particular and the reproductive system in general.
Completely avoid use or exposure to chemicals.
Beware of smoking in all its forms, as well as consuming alcoholic and alcoholic beverages. Drink plenty of water during your day, at least 8 glasses.
Eat a healthy diet and avoid junk foods.
Note: In some cases, your condition may require surgery to remove the bladder cancer or even to remove the entire bladder in advanced cases.
In this topic, we have informed you about all the details of bladder cancer, starting with the causes of infection and the symptoms that appear on you, in addition to treating bladder cancer with herbal remedies.
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