You can rely on herbal remedies for erectile dysfunction for a successful intimate relationship because these herbs that we have brought to you on this topic help you treat effectively without the need for sexual stimulants or medications.
Causes of your erectile dysfunction:
There are several reasons in turn that lead to your exposure to this condition that requires you to treat erectile dysfunction, and among these reasons are physical or even psychological factors for the whole paragraph.
- Psychological disorders such as depression and others are one of the most important factors for your exposure to erectile dysfunction, which in turn affects your sexual feelings and nervous responses to successful intimacy.
- Worrying about what you're doing during sex can also lead to erectile dysfunction.
- There is a relationship between prostate congestion and erectile dysfunction because this congestion affects your sexual ability.
- Due to sensory causes that affect the penis' ability to have an erection, a condition known as "sensory castration," the brain plays an important role in influencing the sensation of sexual arousal.
- When taking certain types of medication, erectile dysfunction is one of their side effects.
- Due to severe insomnia, sleep disturbances and lack of daily rest.
- If you suffer from any of these diseases “heart disease or blockage of blood vessels, high levels of harmful cholesterol in the blood, high blood pressure in the body”.
- If you are overweight or obese.
- When we also have these diseases - diabetes, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis.
- If you have Peyronie's disease, which occurs when scar tissue grows inside the penis.
- Due to a metabolic syndrome that combines high blood pressure, insulin, cholesterol and fat around the waist.
- Because you had gynecological surgery.
- In the case of a direct lesion of these areas (pelvis, spinal cord).
- Your tendency to smoke a lot and drink alcohol and alcoholic beverages.
Erectile dysfunction symptoms:
Erectile dysfunction symptoms affect your inability, during your intimate relationship, to use the full force of your penis, or even your inability to maintain the duration of an erection until intercourse is successful. Therefore, these symptoms require you to treat erectile dysfunction to get rid of it.
- Poor erection of your penis, to prevent total privacy.
- No erection since the beginning of the relationship.
- Your inability to maintain an erection long enough during a relationship.
Note: male erectile dysfunction does not prevent you from having a fully intimate relationship, as this weakness did not affect your desire in itself, but in this case the penis may not respond to this sexual desire only.
Erectile Dysfunction Diagnosis:
Although you may find it somewhat shameful to talk about erectile dysfunction, when this condition comes back to you more than once, you need to see a doctor for erectile dysfunction treatment.
- The doctor will first talk to you and ask you about your history to find out what diseases you suffer from, and then tell you if there are any psychological or general reasons for the appearance of this disease.
- The second step is for your doctor to perform a physical exam for you, which includes examining the penis and testicles and a nerve scan to check for proper sensation.
More specialized tests may be ordered to determine the cause of your condition, including the following:
- Blood tests: to detect low levels of the male hormone "testosterone" in your body.
- Urine tests: to detect other underlying diseases.
- Ultrasound: to show if you have circulation problems.
Treatment of erectile dysfunction with honey:
Bee honey has many important benefits in treating erectile dysfunction in particular and for your sexual health in general, as bee honey supports sexual performance and penis efficiency as it helps blood flow to the genitals and this in turn leads to a stronger erection, and this also increases the sex drive during intimacy and slows down premature ejaculation
It also has other benefits for your sexual health, such as slowing down the time it takes to have sex.
Garlic treatment for erectile dysfunction:
Garlic supports the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Garlic mainly contains two compounds that can treat erectile dysfunction, which are allicin and polysulfides. These compounds help blood vessels dilate, improve blood flow to the penis, and support your performance in intimate relationships.
Garlic also contains hydrogen sulfide, which increases the strength and prolongs the duration of an erection. Hydrogen sulfide increases blood flow to the muscles, including the penis, while improving and reaching blood circulation.
Evidence for the effectiveness of garlic in treating such a condition is that the “hydrogen sulfide” it contains is included in the composition of Viagra or sexual enhancement pills, because it also increases your desire during intimate relationships.
Treating Erectile Dysfunction with Herbal Remedies:
You can rely on herbal remedies to treat erectile dysfunction and get rid of this condition in a safe and natural way, if the case of erectile dysfunction is a transient condition or even recurs with you on an ongoing basis, and for the best result. these. Medicinal herbs are best used under the supervision of a doctor who specializes in medicinal plants to prescribe the appropriate treatment for your health condition.
Sterile plant:
Ginkgo plant:
Other ways to treat erectile dysfunction:
In addition to the role of herbal remedies in treating erectile dysfunction, there are other ways to help you recover from erectile dysfunction, including the following:
- Use of penis pumps:
A penis pump is a hollow tube-shaped erection treatment device with a hand pump or battery. The doctor places this tube over your penis, then uses the pump to draw air through the tube, creating a vacuum that draws blood into your penis. When an erection occurs, the doctor will pull a tension ring around the base of your penis to keep blood there and keep it erect, then remove the vacuum device. Although this method is effective, it has some side effects, such as the appearance of bruising on the penis, and restriction of the ejaculation process. So we advise you to deal with herbal remedies that do not have any side effects on you. Because it is completely natural and herbal treatment achieves the same result that you are looking for with penis pumps.
For the sake of your sexual health, in this topic we have shown you all the details of erectile dysfunction including its causes, treatment and method of diagnosis, as well as treatment with herbal remedies.
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