Detoxing and cleansing the whole body with herbs is the best natural way to cleanse the blood of impurities and clean it completely so that it is not exposed to the risk of diseases that may lead to the risk of cancer.
Herbal detoxification:
It is possible to detoxify the body with herbal remedies in order to purify the blood of impurities and support the kidneys and liver to expel these toxins naturally. Among these plants:
- Dandelion: Dandelion is one of the best herbs that detoxify the body with herbs because it contains antioxidants and phytonutrients that clean the liver and rid the body of toxins and free chemical radicals that cause many diseases.
- Lemon peels: You can use lemons to cleanse the body of toxins and exfoliate it, because citrus fruits in general, such as lemons and oranges, contain antioxidants and antiseptics that flush toxins from the body and purify it as well. from the accumulation of waste.
- Parsley: Parsley is an effective herbal remedy for detoxing the body. It helps in diuresis that supports kidney function and purifies the blood of toxins, including the urinary cleansers apiol and myristin.
- Turmeric: Turmeric contains the active substance “curcumin” which is effective in detoxifying the body with herbs, as it excels in its role in purifying the blood of impurities in a completely natural way.
- Basil: Basil improves the functions of the liver and kidneys to prevent the accumulation of toxins in the blood because it contains "rosmarinic acid", an anti-fungal toxins such as "flatoxin".
- Coriander: Coriander helps get rid of heavy metals that enter the body such as "arsenic, mercury and lead" that are absorbed by the body from the outside.
- Garlic: Garlic is a medicinal plant that cleanses the body of toxins because it contains antioxidants and antiseptics such as "Allicin", which also supports the immune system in its role in fighting diseases.
- Flax seeds: Flax seeds help cleanse the whole body of toxins such as the intestines, liver, and kidneys, and purify the blood naturally.
- Ginger: The ginger plant contains antioxidants that purify the body from toxins and free radicals that have the ability to cause cancer and many other diseases, but it purifies the blood of impurities and supports the functions of the liver and kidneys by purifying the body. of his poison.
- Watercress: Watercress is one of the medicinal herbs used in herbal medicine and works to purify the body of toxins and, of course, purify the blood.
- Cabbage: Cabbage is one of the healthy herbs and vegetables that are effective in stimulating the body to get rid of harmful substances that accumulate in it because it contains glutathione, which helps the liver to get rid of toxins.
Reasons for the accumulation of toxins in the body:
And there are certain reasons that lead to the formation of these toxins in the body, and they can be reasons resulting from external influences or some bad actions that we do without knowing how harmful it is to health and poisoning the body. Impurities in the blood. Among these reasons, we can cite the following:
- Eating fast food that contains processed and unhealthy materials
- Because of the preservatives found in packaged foods such as juices and soft drinks.
- Exposure to detergents that contain harmful substances absorbed by the skin
- Inhaling car exhaust and factory smoke.
- Smoke cigarettes, hookah, or even expose yourself to second-hand smoke by inhaling the smoke only.
- It absorbs radiation from electronic devices in cell phones and computers.
- The result of burning plastic.
- Drink alcohol and alcoholic beverages.
- Use of certain types of medication.
At the end of the topic, we presented you with herbs that help to get rid of toxins and cleanse the whole body with herbs.
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